Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is behind the SECABA Lab?

The SECABA Lab is formed by researchers of the computer science departments of the University of Granada (CCIA, LSI), from the University of Jaén (DI) and the University of Córdoba (DIAN). In addition, some members of the Documentation and Library Sciences of the University pf Granada and some library related professionals are also members of the Lab. To better know each of the members of the Lab you can check the members list.

  • What kind of quality evaluation studies does the SECABA Lab perform?

Up to now, the SECABA Lab makes two different kinds of studies. The first type are user satisfaction studies for the studied services, mainly using the LibQUAL+TM model. The second type are objective performance studies based on data and indicators.

  • Can the SECABA Lab do a evaluation study about my library?

Yes, both of the above mentioned studies can be done. Please contact us for more details.

  • I would like to include some additional questions apart from the LibQUAL ones. Can it be done?

Yes, you can include specific questions for a particular study.

  • Can the SECABA Lab teach some quality evaluation courses to my library personnel?

Of course. In fact, one of the main activities of the Lab is to teach courses related to quality evaluation.

  • If my library f going to be evaluated, can a member of my staff participate in that study?

Yes, we can integrate some of your staff members in the study.

  • If I'm interested in quality evaluation, could the SECABA Lab or some of its members advise my research?

Yes. In fact this is one of the main objectives of the Lab.